The “Società Italiana per la Procreazione Responsabile” – S.I.P.Re. is an interdisciplinary Scientific Association that has scientific purposes and aims at social and cultural promotion.
S.I.P.Re aims at promoting and favoring procreative choices that can be fully conscious and responsible and respect human life since conception.
To this aim S.I.P.Re encourages, promotes and directly implements both the divulgation of knowledge concerning human reproduction physiology – prerequisite to free procreative choices that base on correct information – and the divulgation of scientific information concerning the methods for birth control with a particular attention to their mechanism of action: in fact, the methods that prevent conception are clearly distinguished from those methods that, on the contrary, inhibit the embryo implantation and survival, in whichever time this occurs after fertilization.
S.I.P.Re is open to all the professionals who share its purposes, independently of political or religious beliefs. In particular, it is open to Medical Doctors, whichever is their specialization and professional role, Chemists, legal Experts, Midwives and Nurses, Teachers of public and private Schools.
The aims of the Society are pursued through different activities:
- The continuous updating, upgrading and revision of the scientific knowledge concerning the physiology of reproduction, the conception and the first phases of the embryo development, the mechanism of action of the different methods available for birth control.
- The collaboration with the Universities and Research Centers in carrying out studies that may improve the knowledge of the mechanism of action of the different methods available for birth control, in the full respect of the health and dignity all the study-volunteers’.
- The divulgation of this knowledge to the people, mainly to the adolescents in the schools, even through a systematic cooperation with the public and the private schools.
- The assistance, in terms of scientific documentation, to all the professionals that – for any reason – should either be doubtful about any activities or prescriptions in the field of birth control, or feel them clashing with their own conscience.
- The collaboration with Public Institutions, at any level, for the realization of their institutional education and prevention tasks.
- The promotion and direct organization of Scientific Meetings.
- Drafting Position Papers on issues of high scientific impact.
Overall, the activities of S.I.P.Re aim at promoting and improving the health of the people, in its widest meaning, and to increase in the people the level of knowledge and comprehension of human reproductive physiology. The deep acquisition of this knowledge should allow anyone to make increasingly free and conscious choices in the delicate field of sexuality and procreation. People’s psycho-physical wellbeing is strictly connected with this field and the failures in this field entail existential repercussions that can be also extremely severe.
Should you want to join, download the Membership request form, and email it to us
[showhide type="post" more_text="The Board" less_text="The Board"] President: Bruno Mozzanega Board Members: Manuela Berto Filippo Maria Boscia Costantino Matteo Fabris - Treasurer Renzo Pegoraro Elena Ramilli - Secretary Andrea Vannozzi [/showhide]
You can see the Statute